Press Coverage Events News
The leading financial daily in India 'The
Economic Times' writes two articles "Conflict
By Design" and "Mapping
Advantage" in print and web version of the newspaper
on July 22nd and July 29th.
IIMB Review (Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore) published
an article "Managers as Leaders" based on the round
table with our founders Dr. Prasad Kaipa and Varadarajan Raman.
pdf file
Management Review

Siliconeer featured SelfCorp in their
'Startup' section and also as a cover story. http://www.selfcorp.com/selfcorpnew/siliconeer-coverage.htm
You can subscribe to Siliconeer for free by clicking here.
The Socially Responsible Corporation
in India - The Value of Leadership
Amol Karnad
Leadership - Breaking out of Old Structures
Prasad Kaipa
Transmitting a certain body of knowledge and assuming that
it results in a certain set of characteristics irrespective of
the individual's unique culture and experience, and looking for
development of leadership through this process is erroneous and
has been proved wrong many times.

Report on Lecture:"Talent Management
for the new economy. held on 18 Sep 2000, --Dr. Prasad Kaipa,
CEO, SelfCorp.com."
In Business week dated 28 Aug 2000, a contrasting account
of how the corporations changed over a century was provided. The
organisation of the 20th century was like a pyramid, while the
21st century organisation is more like a web or network. The focus
of the company changed from internal to external. These and other
changes brought forth a critical need for talent management for
the corporations to succeed.

INBJUDANNärmast skriver jag till dig
med anledning av ett spännande erbjudande till dig och andra
som Du tror kan vara intresserade. I oktober månad (16-17
oktober) arrangerar vi en internationell workshop för forskare
inom ramen för EU´s Work Life 2000 i Östersund.
Till denna workshop kommer ett antal kända forskare från
olika håll i världen inom området 'IT och lärande'.
- There will be a workshop lead by Prasad on
Igniting Your Natural Genius at the Best in The West
Conference on April 26th.
- Prasad will participate in a panel discussion
on Spirituality and Management Education on April 19, 2002
at Network for Academic Renewal Conference - Spirituality
And Learning: Redefining Meaning, Value, and Inclusion in Higher
- Prasad will speak at the Yoga Camp
on March 24, 2002 from 3-4 pm on Vedanta in Management
and at Spherion San Francisco Office on March 26, 2002
on Igniting Your Natural Genius.
- Prasad Kaipa with Paul Gleiberman will be
leading a workshop in Seattle on Feb. 2nd and 3rd, 2002, organized
by Antioch University. The workshop is designed to transform your
relationship with the new year, manifesting success and a sense
of accomplishment in 2002.
The Anticipated Outcomes from the workshop are:
- Identify what worked and what did not
in 2001 and find ways to make changes in 2002.
- Clarify goals and create daily practices
and support systems.
- Initiate alignment of your essential
self and social self.
- Clarify your energy triggers and drains
and how they impact your success.
- Explore your North Star.
Please see brochure
for details.
- Prasad Kaipa will be leading a workshop
on 'Clarifying Purpose and Personal Strategy' for Saybrook
Graudate students on Monday and Tuesday, Feb. 11th and 12th, 2002.
For information please see www.saybrook.edu.
- Prasad Kaipa will give a keynote speech on
'Igniting Your Natural Genius' on September 27, 2001 to
the employees of Spherion Corporation.
- "Igniting
Your Natural Genius", a series of four one-day workshops
will be held from 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM every month spread over
four saturdays starting August 18 at SelfCorp office. For more
information, please call Prasad Kaipa at 408-871-0462 or e-mail
at workshops@selfcorp.com
- Prasad Kaipa was a speaker on Vedanta at
Hindu Sangam, Milpitas, CA on July 21, 2001 and then hosted
a press conference after the speech.
- Prasad Kaipa, CEO, SelfCorp Inc. will be
participating in SoL Annual Meeting from June 24-28, 2001. He
has been nominated for 'Council of Trustees' of SoL for year 2001-2003.
- Prasad Kaipa will participate in a two-day
meeting on Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) with leading industry
experts and leaders from companies undergoing M&A, organized
by SoL-Society for Organizational Learning of Peter Senge on April
4-5, 2001.
- Prasad Kaipa will be a keynote speaker to
the HSS group speaking on "18th Chapter of Bhagvad Gita"
at San Ramon Senior Citizen Center, 9300 Alcosta Blvd., San Ramon,
CA on Sunday, March 25th, 2001 at 9:30 a.m.
- Prasad will be a part of "Institute
for the Future - Organizational Innovations Workshop" organized
by ITF, San Francisco on March 13, 2001.
- Bridging the Gap between Spirituality
and Business - organized by Institute for Spirituality and Organizational
Leadership, Leavey School of Business, Santa Clara University
from March 9-11, 2001. Prasad Kaipa will be a panelist for
"Contemporary Strategic Decision Making - Discernment in
the Spiritual Tradition." on March 9, 2001 from 1pm to 3
pm. For more information, please visit http://business.scu.edu/spirituality_leadership/.
- Prasad Kaipa and Ed Haskell will be part
of the round table discussion on "Distributed
development of educational software in transitional economy."
hosted by Emerging Markets Forum at Stanford on Februay 26, 2001,
- Northern California IIT Madras Alumni
Saturday, February 17, 2001 - Networking meeting at the HP Oak
Room, Cupertino, CA, 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM. Prasad Kaipa - Keynote
speaker "Work-Life balance in Silicon Valley." You can
view the slide presentation online by clicking here.
For more information on IITM alumni group, please visit www.iitmalumni.org.
- CIOs Community of Practice Presentation
of Pyradigm system by Prasad Kaipa and Ed Haskell
on February 15, 2001, Thursday from 1:30pm to 3:00pm. The event
is organized by John Moran.
(The Indus Entrepreneurs) group starts The TIE
Institute for Entrepreneurs with Prasad Kaipa as the director.
- Prasad joins the council of trustees
for SoL (Society
for Organizational Learning) for the period 2002-2004.
- Prasad Kaipa was interviewd by Richard
Sheinen of San Jose Mercury News and by India Abroad
reporter for Hindu Sangam.
- Prasad is selected as a member of the SoL
design team for M&A Consortium.
- On March 28, 2001, Margarita Del Valle interviewed
Prasad Kaipa, CEO & CKO of SelfCorp for a TV show "BEYOND
THE NEW AGE" to be aired in 12 part series over a 1-year
period starting August 2001. It will be aired by Infinito throughout
the Americas in English, Spanish, and Portugese.
- SelfCorp becomes an alliance partner of Memestreams
Inc., San Francisco based e-performance company. Memestreams includes
Prasad Kaipa in their 'Brain Trus't as a "Thought Leader".
- SelfCorp signs up as a partner with Mantram
- Prasad Kaipa joins the Steering Committee
for "Entrepreneur Network Forum" of IIT Madras Alumni
- We have added a section for potential investors
that also demonstrates some of our core technology.
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